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S T  R   E    T   C  H BREAK with me!

Introducing a stretch break reminder... with me!

These quarantine times mean we’re logging more time hunched over our computers in terrible chairs • attached to our mobile devices / doom scrolling • scheduling back<—>back<—>back meetings with no chance to even stand up • + we’re stressed the hell out • & there’s also this weird pressure to write 5 novels, discover a scientific breakthrough, and be the most in-shape human you’ve ever been in your life. (Or is it just meeee???)


I’m fairly in-tune with my body, and even I have failed to stay tuned in to what I need during this time. I thought perhaps some of you out there might need a little reminder to be good to yourself, too. So I started this little project. 


This is not a workout routine (see below for recommendations). Simply an invitation to stand up, back away from your desk/kitchen table/bed perch and... S T  R  E  T  C  H IT OUT!



I envision this not as exact directions, but rather as a road map of sorts - a reminder / gentle daily alarm clock / choose your own adventure. A simple tool that invites you to tap into what YOU need on any given day. While my focus may shift + change over time (doesn't it feel like EVERYTHING is doing that these days?!) at least for now, here's how I see this working... I invite you to 1) join me on Instagram if you want to see the real-time updates; 2) pick a video from the archives below and try the stretch!; 2) pick a video from the archives below and DON'T try the stretch! Seriously. Whatever happens is perfect. The fact that you put aside your work to focus on you for a few seconds/minutes is the exact thing we're going for here. Yay you! This is a shame/guilt/judgement-free zone. If you do this once - Yay! If you do this every day - Yay! We're in this together and I support all of your efforts, however big or small they may be!

*A reminder that... These recorded videos are sped up! They focus only on one stretch, as opposed to a series of stretches that build on one another! They are only a few seconds long! They are meant to get you motivated to take care of your body, not as a prescribed stretching session. 


Oct 7
Oct 6
Oct 2
Oct 1
Sep 29
Sep 25

Class Suggestions*

*Class suggestions are my own. I reserve the right to add / update / change / edit this list at any time

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